W.N. 5 / 50
- High quality treatment of all kind of seeds in rotor / stator principle
- Flexible treating, coating and pelleting processes
- Batch treating technology for perfect treating grade
- Automatic batch operation with free programmable operation of dosing systems
- Optimal seed to seed distribution
- Homogeneous seed coating
- Volume: 20 - 70 l
- Capacity: up to 9,0 t/h
- Mixing cone with special bye pass blades
- Electro-pneumatical seed dosing scale
- Gravimetric dosing of all kind of products (liquids or powders)
- Spraying disc (without nozzles) for fine distribution of liquids
- PLC control with electronic weighing systems
- Visualization by touch panel display
- Multiple use of all dosing components during the process
- Integrated cross stream aspirator to reduce rough and fine dust in raw product
- Discharge of raw product to reduce deposits
- Easy, cost-efficient execution: volumetric dosing, timer and relay control
- Up to 10 dosing units (liquid or powder); up to 3 dosing units for treaters with timer and relay control
- Database, documentation, network connection, printer, remote maintenance
Download dimension sheet
Universal batch treating units Type 5/15, 5/50, 5/100, 5/200 English
Universal-Chargen-Feuchtbeizer Typ 5/15, 5/50, 5/100, 5/200 German
Machines industrielles de traitement de semences en batch Type 5/15, 5/50, 5/100, 5/200 French
Uniwersalne urządzenia do zaprawiania wsadowego Typ 5/15, 5/50, 5/100, 5/200 Polish